

  • Manufactured by: GS Supplies Inc.
  • Model: GS-CC300
  • Length: 12.8 mm
  • Width: 12.8 mm
  • For: Bulova
  • Style: Plastic Cylinder Crystal, Flat Lower Edge, Square, Curved
  • Quantity in Stock: 9

The manufacturer's catalog index (or product packaging) lists this crystal for:
Bulova: Bellevue, Coed A, Coed B, Ingrid A, Ingrid C, Iris, Isabel, Marie, Marie A, Patricia A, Patricia B, Virginia
Also see GS-CC298FT, GS-CC300 for Bulova Coed A, Coed B. Check size and shape versus BB-C1285, GS-CC300, PER-C130/2, P3MX109-WC, 3X115-WC, P4X115-WC, P5X115-WC for Bulova Isabel. Check size and shape versus BB-MS1220, BB-C1285, GS-CC300 for Bulova Marie. Check size and shape versus BB-C1285, GS-CC300, PER-Y122/1, SUC-RU99-15, 2X122-WC, P3X122-WC for Bulova Iris.